This edition’s anthem: Little Room - White Stripes
WANTED EGO, 2015/2023 — Ink over 1-color screenprint, scanned and digitally recolored in Photoshop, followed by digital print on Modigliani textured paper, A4 : 210 x 297 mm / 8.26”x11.69”
1. Project 0602
The above pictured print is one of many donated by an assortment of artists to Project 0602, a grassroots initiative aiming to raise funds for the humanitarian responses to the most recent devastating earthquake(s) in Syria. 100% of proceeds will be divided amongst the following organizations:
This is a great way to not only support people who are very much in need, but acquire some excellent prints in the process. Choose from a collection of 50 different works of art!
2. NYU
Remember I mentioned I’ll be in NYC for a not public thing? Well apparently, it is in fact public. Registration required though:
SIGHTS OF FREEDOM AND THE AESTHETICS OF POLITICS is an academic panel discussion between Jessica Winegar and myself (with moderation by Ola Galal) in which I’m sure I’ll feel out of place. It’s part of a series of discussions called SENSES OF THE POLITICAL organized by Ola Galal of NYU’s Hagop Kevorkian Center. Registration is required to attend in person or online.
3. TSG Ch. 7/#8
Colors finished, onto lettering. Many threads that were introduced early on are on their way to getting tied. In the preview pictured above, which takes place on Mars, a small fragment of a poster lands in someone’s hand. This is a poster that was introduced as far back as Chapter 1, as early as page 3!
The history behind the poster’s creation and its relevance were later explored in depth in Chapters 3 and 4, set on Earth several hundred years earlier.
After nearly a decade of working on this thing, it feels like it’s all finally coming together. We’ve all heard of the narrative rule known as Chekhov’s Gun, right? Take that rule and apply it to a multi-planetary story that unfolds over several hundred years? That’s basically THE SOLAR GRID in a nutshell.
4. Adventures in Another World is Possible
When I finally got around to getting my Mythomatic imprint off the ground, I wanted to make sure I had all the packaging-related branding stuff in order especially that I knew it would predominately be a kind of mail-order affair at least in Phase 1. And one component of the packaging-related stuff is packing tape. The minimum order to get custom-designed packing tape made though was, uh, a lot. But I did it anyway and have since had quite an abundance of this tape in my possession, marked with—aside from the Mythomatic logo—the slogan “another world is possible”. When it came time to pack all my belongings in preparation for my impending relocation, I figured I just use the tape I have lying around instead of buy new [completely unmarked] tape, so now I sit amongst towers of boxes marked with “another world is possible” in every which direction, a statement that seems to—in this particular context—carry a completely different meaning to the one originally intended.
Finding a new place has so far been a multi-month rollercoaster with several near-mishaps along the way, one of which involved a very abusive-looking lease landing in my lap with many an odd clause that I just couldn’t bring myself to sign. But the good news is: a suitable place has finally been found! And a lease finally signed! And keys finally in hand! And movers already scheduled! And the places is awesome!
But (of course there had to be a But, of course), y’see all those glorious windows this lovely apartment boasts? Today I discovered that none of them—none—actually open. They are all, I shit you not, sealed shut. And upon bringing it up to the landlord, I was informed that they have in fact been sealed shut for something like 15 years! And that not a single tenant before me has ever been bothered by this! What kind of person never ever wants to crack a window open, wtf?!?!?!
In any case, the landlord is now looking into having the windows perform the open and close function that windows are known to do, but if it transpires that they cannot perform their windowly function, he in fact has no intention on replacing them which would entail canceling our agreement and sending me back to square one, except kind of worse because my entire life is already packed up in boxes!! My bad for not checking to see if the windows would open before signing the lease I guess, jfc.
It is times like this when I truly regret my chosen profession and wish I could easily survive by punching out code in cafe-like places or even those terrible co-working spaces taking over every city in America. I can also see myself tending to a bookshop. Or delivering mail in Denver. I don’t necessarily care for Denver, but the postal workers always had a joyous spring in their step in Denver, a sight I have seen nowhere else.
Let us wait and see what becomes of these godforsaken windows that do not window. Another world is always possible,
What is the point of a window if it doesn’t open?? The 15 years of tenants never asking feels like a lie but then again people are fine with loads of other nonsensical things like cardboard cutout single family homes in unwalkable HOA communities where you can’t plant a shrub without getting your neighbors approval (my brother and SIL live in one such neighborhood in NC; I still don’t understand why!)